By Super User on Monday, 24 May 2021
Category: Blog

What You Need to Know About Microchipping in Edmond

May is Chip Your Pet Month, so there is no better time than now to learn about the perks of having your canine companion or feline friend microchipped. According to research from the American Humane Society, roughly one in three pets will likely be separated from their owners at some point in their life. Whether their disappearance is caused by theft or wandering off, most will never be returned to their owners. 

As a responsible and loving animal owner, you do everything possible to keep your pet safe and by your side. Unfortunately, disaster can strike even the best pet parents. At Stoneridge Animal Hospital, our team performs safe and effective microchipping in Edmond to help you protect your pet and boost the odds of them being returned to you if they are ever lost. Keep scrolling to discover more about having your pet microchipped. 

How Are Companion Animals Microchipped?

Having a pet microchipped is fast and feels like getting a vaccination or any other shot. Similar in size to a grain of dry rice, the chip is usually inserted between the shoulder blades. It is injected using a syringe (just like a vaccination), eliminating the need for anesthesia. It takes only a few seconds and no recovery time is needed. 

Microchips inserted by veterinarians are completely safe and do not contain personal information. Instead, each chip has an identification number that is used to set up an online account containing your details. Keeping this info current when you move or change phone numbers is crucial, and it takes just a few seconds to update your information online.

Benefits of Having Your Pet Microchipped

Microchipping your pet provides permanent identification and greatly increases the odds of being able to locate them if they ever disappear. If someone brings your pet to an animal hospital or animal shelter, they will be scanned for a microchip. As long as you have your current information saved in your account, someone will get a hold of you to reunite you with your cat or dog. 

Contact Stoneridge Animal Hospital Now for Microchipping in Edmond

Microchipping takes just seconds, and it significantly improves the likelihood of reuniting with your pet should they are ever stolen or get lost. Here at Stoneridge Animal Hospital in Edmond, our veterinarians strongly recommend microchipping in Edmond and the surrounding areas. Having your pet chipped today could literally save their life if they ever get lost in the future. To learn more or schedule your pet's appointment, please contact us today.