By Super User on Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Category: Blog

Emergency Vet in Edmond Discusses Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month

Pet poisoning is a serious issue that all animal owners should be mindful of year-round. In March, however, this important topic gets some extra attention because it is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month. As an emergency vet in Edmond, we treat pets who have ingested or been exposed to a wide variety of poisons and toxins. And in many instances, these situations could have been avoided if the pet’s owner had known that something in their home or on their property was a danger to their beloved companions. 

Many of the things we love as humans - like coffee, chocolate, and certain types of flowers - can cause serious health problems for our four-legged friends. Familiarizing yourself with the most common household products, plants, and foods that are dangerous to your pet is the best way to prevent tragedy. 



Common Pet Poisons and Toxins

While this list is by no means exhaustive, these are some of the most common pet poisons and toxins. For a much more complete list, visit the ASPCA Poison Control website

Of course, cleaning products, automotive fluids, paint, etc. are all toxic to pets, as well.

Symptoms of Accidental Poisoning

The symptoms of accidental poisoning may occur immediately or develop over the course of several hours or days. Some of the most common symptoms include: 

When to Contact an Emergency Vet in Edmond

If your pet is exhibiting any of the symptoms listed above or you have any other reason to suspect that they may have ingested or been exposed to a poison or toxin, contact an emergency vet in Edmond immediately. The faster you act, the better the prognosis for your furry friend. 

At Stoneridge Animal Hospital, we provide a complete range of emergency services and are here to help during your pet’s time of need. Contact us immediately for the care your companion requires.